Agent-based Intelligent Link Sensing Internet Protocol Architecture
Navy SBIR FY2006.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2006.1
Topic No.: N06-019
Topic Title: Agent-based Intelligent Link Sensing Internet Protocol Architecture
Proposal No.: N061-019-0605
Firm: Broadata Communications, Inc.
2545 W. 237th Street, Suite K
Torrance, California 90505-5229
Contact: Matheos Kazantzidis
Phone: (310) 530-1416
Web Site:
Abstract: Broadata Communications Inc. (BCI) proposes a new, unique Agent-based Intelligent Link Sensing Architecture (AILS). The AILS utilizes advanced real-time network measurement techniques to sense important network transport parameters, then uses these important parameters, to adjust network behavior for optimized transport functions. The AILS provides an innovative, dramatically enhanced TCP/IP enabling solution that can directly meet the Navy/FORCENet service's requirements, and solve problems encountered by current TCP/IP technologies. BCI's approach will enable multiple Shared Reconnaissance Pods (SHARP) to effectively communicate, leveraging common Internet and Transport Protocols, and web based architectures, for data and control. BCI's AILS acts as an IP enabler and a TCP assistant, learning from network interactions, and proactively anticipating network needs and responses. It "sees" data packets from all network and transport flows in its host, and uses them to adjust transport protocol behaviors. The AILS is a software-enabled agent solution that can be embedded on any platform, independently of other communication protocol stacks, physical and link layer technologies used. BCI's overall goal is to address the Navy's applications in SHARP/FORCENet integration through Internet protocol communication by developing and demonstrating the feasibility and potential of AILS technology. A demonstration model will be developed in Phase II.
Benefits: BCI's AILS has a unique opportunity to both combine and enhance existing and new TCP/IP enabling and performance mechanisms. It can be used as a FORCENet enabler in general, as well as an IP and TCP solution for embedded devices in military, government and commercial products, such as cell phones, car radios, aviation RF etc.
