A Low Noise Tunable Wavelength Laser for Fiber Optic Sensor Systems
Navy SBIR FY2008.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2008.1
Topic No.: N08-046
Topic Title: A Low Noise Tunable Wavelength Laser for Fiber Optic Sensor Systems
Proposal No.: N081-046-0473
Firm: Princeton Optronics, Inc.
PO Box 8627
Princeton, New Jersey 08543
Contact: Laury Watkins
Phone: (609) 584-9696
Web Site: princetonoptronics.com
Abstract: Current fiber optic towed systems under development for Naval platforms require many low noise on-board lasers built to specific frequencies ranging from approximately 1520nm to 1560nm. A low noise tunable wavelength laser, which could be tuned over the wavelength range would significantly reduce system sparing and maintainability requirements. Princeton Optronics has developed very high performance tunable lasers and is selling them for high performance applications. Princeton Optronics also has developed lowest noise fixed wavelength lasers under the DARPA Phor-Front program with unprecedented low noise of -160dB/Hz @1MHz. Current version of Princeton tunable and low noise laser has very similar external cavity hybrid design, and can easily be combined into a single design for the lowest noise tunable laser which will meet Navy's low noise tunable laser requirement. This combination of the two designs will be achieved in the SBIR to build an ultra-low noise tunable laser meeting Navy's needs.
Benefits: A low noise tunable laser will have a large market in near future. The markets are in the instrumentation and sensors area which include oil exploration market require a low profile, tunable laser. The market can be upwards of $20M in the next 2 to 3 years for the commercial market alone. Additional markets can be in military, homeland security, NASA and other applications. PRO will commercialize the product very soon after development.
