Broadband Non-Planar Octave Nested Array
Navy SBIR FY2008.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2008.1
Topic No.: N08-018
Topic Title: Broadband Non-Planar Octave Nested Array
Proposal No.: N081-018-0130
Firm: Physical Optics Corporation
Applied Technologies Division
20600 Gramercy Place, Bldg.100
Torrance, California 90501-1821
Contact: Alireza Shapoury
Phone: (310) 320-3088
Web Site:
Abstract: To address the Navy need for a nonplanar wideband, high-power phased-array transmitter antenna, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new Broadband Nonplanar Octave Nested Array (BNONA). The proposed nonplanar BNONA is based on statistical signal processing, pattern synthesis, and wideband antenna designs. The innovation in BNONA's structure will enable a nonplanar conformal design of a wideband antenna that follows the curvature of the vehicle and does not require a radome. In Phase I POC will demonstrate the feasibility of BNONA architecture by computer simulations, statistical analysis, and beam pattern processing. POC will also optimize the parameters that affect the efficiency of the system -- number of elements, element geometry etc. Based on the thorough analysis in Phase I, a BNONA conformal array will be fabricated in Phase II to juxtapose the simulation results against the characteristics of the demonstration prototype in the laboratory. Phase II will contain a more thorough analysis and measurements with a focus on the applicability and manufacturability of BNONA to perform as a high-power jamming antenna transmitter over a wide spectrum of 300 MHz through 40 GHz.
Benefits: Commercial scenarios could include conformal antenna transmitters on water towers and buildings for directional high-bandwidth data transfer for multichannel streaming video, graphic imagery, medical imagery, voice, and sensor data. Furthermore, the airline industry could benefit from the conformal design, providing directional broadband links to satellites and ground towers, given the reciprocallity of transmission and reception.
