MOUS Evolutionary Quick Planner (MUOS EQuiP)
Navy SBIR FY2008.3

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2008.3
Topic No.: N08-222
Topic Title: MOUS Evolutionary Quick Planner (MUOS EQuiP)
Proposal No.: N083-222-0171
Firm: Scientific Systems Company, Inc
500 West Cummings Park - Ste 3000
Woburn, Massachusetts 01801
Contact: Michael Perloff
Phone: (781) 933-5355
Web Site:
Abstract: Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) will provide warfighters with worldwide LPI, voice and data mobile communications. Manually configuring satellite systems - assigning carriers to satellite beams and subsequent communications traffic planning is a time-consuming tedious task. Accessing MUOS communication planning tools requires a SIPRNET connection and mastery of a complex application. Fast, lightweight beamcarrier assignment and communications planning applications, that can be executed in field and passed to COCOM for implementation, will shorten implementation times, increase reliability and availability, and ensure MUOS' capability to provide assured, worldwide, on-demand, on-the-move communications to warfighters. In Phase I, we will develop MUOS-EQuiP, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based tool to find and optimize beamcarrier assignments - quickly, without tedium. MUOS-EQuiP will also be a Quick Planner to test bandwidth apportionments against communications requirements. Our methods can easily be generalized to handle more factors and more complex, dynamic traffic scenarios. Scientific Systems (SSCI) has previously developed GA approaches for missile routing, attack planning, search planning, and medical scheduling. Our Phase III missile routing product, CMARS (Cruise Missile Autonomous Routing System) has been integrated into TPS (Tomahawk Planning System) and provides routes meeting many complex constraints in one or two minutes. Our proven experience in applying GA's to complex planning problems ensures a successful Phase I demonstration, a successful, validated Phase II prototype, and a successful Phase III integration.
Benefits: These new methods, implemented on small portable machines, will increase the availability, responsiveness, and effectiveness of MUOS and other satellite and mobile air and ground radio systems requiring periodic reconfiguration. They will find application in commercial and military satellite network management systems, and are likely to be needed in mobile RF cellular networks for emergency communications.
