Lightweight Layered Protection Systems for Missile Launchers and Canisters
Navy STTR FY2010.A

Sol No.: Navy STTR FY2010.A
Topic No.: N10A-T018
Topic Title: Lightweight Layered Protection Systems for Missile Launchers and Canisters
Proposal No.: N10A-018-0262
Firm: Corvid Technologies, Inc.
145 Overhill Drive
Mooresville, North Carolina 28117
Contact: Allen Shirley
Phone: (704) 799-6944
Web Site:
Abstract: The objective of this proposed effort is to leverage state-of-the-art modeling and simulation tools to predict and assess the performance of a novel layered material system as protection for high-value missiles when deployed in launchers and canisters. The physics-based computational tools developed and used by Corvid allow for complex material interactions to be captured to provide an understanding of the synergistic effect of combining numerous light weight components together in the optimized thickness and order to provide maximum protection at the lowest areal density. Our approach is to utilize these existing M&S capabilities to evaluate composite light-weight ballistic protection concepts while identifying areas that require additional development to allow M&S tools to effectively supplement testing of new and novel concept, which will significantly reduce cost and schedule required to develop highly effective solutions.
Benefits: Corvid Technologies, located in Mooresville, NC, offers world class design and analysis support to both competitive motor sports and military applications of computational physics. At Corvid, an indigenous supercomputing facility, internationally known scientists conduct research using state of the art in-house developed and off-the-shelf research tools to provide customers with quick turnaround high fidelity computational support to concept design, test and evaluation, and deployment programs. As such, it has always been a part of Corvid's commercialization strategy to provide engineering services as well as training, independent research, and individualized model advances for the acquisition community. Our approach to expedite the transition of these IM M&S tools between Super Users, such as Corvid and the DoE, and the acquisition community is to create a "go forward" methodology that:  Leverages the IM M&S tool development currently being conducted  Identifies test protocols required to validate the IM M&S tools  Involves the acquisition community's requirement for IM compliance modeling  Offers a continuing outreach and training collaboration between the Super Users and the IM industry and government agencies The funding profile for the transition of the tools includes resourcing Corvid Technologies to a missile program of interest to participate in analysis and train acquisition personnel in the use and application of Velodyne/CDAR. In some cases, testing will be required to support the validation of the tools for unique rocket motor propellant combinations. It is our expectation that Corvid would provide 2 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) per program plus Program Management and oversight at a 0.25 FTE, and use of super computing resources. Testing cost and materials will vary depending on the program maturity and availability of pervious test data, but testing cost should not exceed $600,000 per missile program. Use of Velodyne/CDAR requires a unique set of core scientific competencies and could require continual development depending on program to program variances. Sustained support throughout the lifetime of the IM compliancy development program is recommended with expected cost on the order of $750,000 per year excluding required laboratory testing. While the successful transition of the IM M&S tool is not expected to replace all traditional IM testing, if its transition and use could reduce the number of IM compliancy tests by 50% then the potential savings to a large diameter rocket motor program could be $10 million over two years or more. Furthermore, development of the Velodyne tool set is applicable to a wide range of problems including structural and dynamic response to loading, penetration, and blast. Therefore, sales of and analysis with Velodyne could generate revenue from several areas including other military applications, the motorsports industry, and construction industries. Corvid Technologies sees this opportunity to develop a fast running, first-principles-based solver applicable to a wide market of both applied science and commercial software sales.
