Refractory Metal Coating for Electromagnetic Launcher Rails
Navy STTR FY2010.A

Sol No.: Navy STTR FY2010.A
Topic No.: N10A-T025
Topic Title: Refractory Metal Coating for Electromagnetic Launcher Rails
Proposal No.: N10A-025-0511
Firm: TDA Research, Inc.
12345 W. 52nd Ave.
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033-1916
Contact: Stephen Paglieri
Phone: (303) 940-2335
Web Site:
Abstract: Electromagnetic launchers or rail guns are a key component of the Navy's all-electric ship of the future, but they lack the durability required for repeated firings. TDA Research and the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) are developing a tough, durable and conductive refractory metal coating that will protect the copper alloy conductors (rails) from the extreme heat and wear conditions inside the barrel. Our thin, continuous coating will be cost effective to apply to large components and will greatly increase the effective lifetime of rail gun components, one of the key challenges that today prevent the shipboard deployment of rail gun systems.
Benefits: A thin refractory metal coating for metal components such as heat exchangers, valves, piping and tanks has many applications, particularly in providing corrosion resistance in the chemical and nuclear industries. In addition to dramatically increasing the safety, range and effectiveness of projectile weaponry, electromagnetic launchers may be used to send packages into space at greatly reduced cost. Other potential applications for TDA/UNR's tough and wear resistant refractory metal coating include electromagnetic catapults for aircraft on aircraft carriers, high-speed mag-lev contacts for public transit, high current switches, sections for re-entry protection of space-craft and marine coating applications.
