Wireless, Wide Frequency Band Otoactoustic Emissions Probe
Navy STTR FY2010.A

Sol No.: Navy STTR FY2010.A
Topic No.: N10A-T032
Topic Title: Wireless, Wide Frequency Band Otoactoustic Emissions Probe
Proposal No.: N10A-032-0457
Firm: Creare Inc.
P.O. Box 71
Hanover, New Hampshire 03755
Contact: Odile Clavier
Phone: (603) 643-3800
Web Site: www.creare.com
Abstract: The nature and requirements of military operations lead to high noise levels, exposing military and civilian personnel to the possibility of noise-induced hearing loss. Otoacoustic emission (OAE) probes can assess the health of the inner ear by testing the response of the cochlea to various types of stimuli. The measurement of emissions at high frequency has the potential to detect noise-induced damage to the outer hair cells before it affects hearing function (as measured with traditional pure tone audiometry). Unfortunately, existing OAE probes are not designed for high frequency measurements or high quality measurements in typical field settings. Creare, in collaboration with the University of Northern Colorado, proposes to develop an innovative OAE probe for the detection of OAEs at frequencies ranging from 0.5 to 16 kHz. Creare's proposed concept will reduce several noise sources on existing designs and improve the in ear fit of the probe tip. Creare will work closely with the University of Northern Colorado to design a probe that is easy to fit and provides a repeatable and comfortable probe fit when used by audiologists and trained technicians.
Benefits: Creare's proposed design has the potential to make the use of OAE measurements available to audiologists, field technicians, and industrial/military hearing conservation programs by making the OAE probe highly reliable, inherently low noise and easy to fit. By including OAE measurements into the standard auditory assessment protocol, hearing conservation program professionals are more likely to detect noise induced hearing loss before permanent audiometric hearing loss occurs.
