High Energy Density Hydrogen Delivery System
Navy STTR FY2010.A

Sol No.: Navy STTR FY2010.A
Topic No.: N10A-T030
Topic Title: High Energy Density Hydrogen Delivery System
Proposal No.: N10A-030-0014
Firm: Giner Electrochemical Systems, LLC
89 Rumford Avenue
Newton, Massachusetts 02466-1311
Contact: Simon Stone
Phone: (781) 529-0525
Web Site: www.ginerinc.com
Abstract: This NAVY Small Business Technology Transfer project is directed toward the development of a novel hydrogen generator that employs nanostructured metal foam catalysts. Special coating and form factor will also be employed to the hydrogen generating materials to ensure the safety of storage and transportation, while maintaining very high packing density compared with conventional powder packing.
Benefits: Successful completion of the Phase I program will demonstrate the feasibility of the approach. It will establish a robust methodology to safely and efficiently transport, convert and deliver the hydrogen as needed. Remote installation power supply and civilian underwater exploration will obtain significant benefits from the R&D effort.
