Developing a Detailed Chemical Kinetic Model for C-SiC-SiO2-Rubber Composite Materials Exposed to High Temperature, High Pressure, Oxidizing Environments
Navy STTR FY2010.A

Sol No.: Navy STTR FY2010.A
Topic No.: N10A-T005
Topic Title: Developing a Detailed Chemical Kinetic Model for C-SiC-SiO2-Rubber Composite Materials Exposed to High Temperature, High Pressure, Oxidizing Environments
Proposal No.: N10A-005-0702
Firm: Aerodyne Research, Inc.
45 Manning Road
Billerica, Massachusetts 01821
Contact: Hsi-Wu Wong
Phone: (978) 932-0218
Web Site:
Abstract: The objective of this proposed Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) effort is to develop an experimentally-validated, highly detailed chemical kinetic reference model of surface chemistry for C-SiC-SiO2 rubber composite materials exposed to high temperature, high pressure, oxidizing environments. This reference model will then be reduced into simplified reduced-order models that could be easily coupled with existing analysis tools for multicomponent materials design. We propose to accomplish this goal using a combination of detailed mechanistic modeling and computational quantum chemistry to comprehensively characterize surface chemistry for C-SiC-SiO2 rubber composite materials.
Benefits: The results of this STTR work could assist the development, design, and improvement of rubber composite materials for thermal protection or insulation applications. The resulting model can be used across DoD for scientists and engineers designing and manufacturing these materials for various military platforms. The chemistry, materials, aerospace, and construction communities studying insulation or thermal protection materials will also be greatly benefited.
