Analysis and Modeling of Foreign Object Damage (FOD) in Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs)
Navy STTR FY2010.A

Sol No.: Navy STTR FY2010.A
Topic No.: N10A-T010
Topic Title: Analysis and Modeling of Foreign Object Damage (FOD) in Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs)
Proposal No.: N10A-010-0060
Firm: QuesTek Innovations LLC
1820 Ridge Avenue
Evanston, Illinois 60201-3621
Contact: Herng-Jeng Jou
Phone: (847) 425-8221
Web Site:
Abstract: Silicon (Si) based ceramic matrix composites (CMC) are one of the leading candidates for structural components in next generation gas turbine engines. There are several driving forces behind the introduction of ceramics in the hot-structure zone in jet engines including (i) the demand for higher operating temperatures, (ii) reduction in CO emissions, and (iii) significant weight savings. A key performance limiting issue in CMCs is foreign object damage (FOD). Ballistic impact of debris ingested during service causes spallation and damage to the surface of the structural component often exposing the bulk to harsh environment and creating macro-notches that serve as crack nuclei. The primary focus in this STTR program will be towards developing high fidelity models to quantify damage in CMCs. The effects of FOD on CMCs have been experimentally investigated and to certain extend characterized. However, physics based models to characterize and quantify the severity of the damage caused due to ballistic impact in CMCs have been limited. Under the proposed STTR program, QuesTek Innovations LLC, a leader in the field of materials design, will partner with Prof. Katherine Faber (Northwestern University, Evanston, IL) to develop a robust and comprehensive modeling scheme to quantify FOD in CMCs.
Benefits: The outcome of the STTR program will be a robust and high fidelity modeling scheme suitable to characterize and quantify foreign object damage in CMCs. The modeling tools will lend support to (i) designing microstructures, or (ii) tailoring process routes to achieve enhanced FOD resistance. It is widely known that FOD is a major cause of concern in current structural components of the engine. This model can be directly extended to assess FOD in current material systems with minimal modifications. The modeling tool will significantly the cost of conducting detailed experiments that are often time-consuming. Additionally, the model will significantly reduce the material qualification time by accelerating the decision making process.
