Low Loss High Power Current Lead for Cryogenic Applications
Navy STTR FY2010.A

Sol No.: Navy STTR FY2010.A
Topic No.: N10A-T022
Topic Title: Low Loss High Power Current Lead for Cryogenic Applications
Proposal No.: N10A-022-0365
Firm: Tai-Yang Research Company
9112 Farrell Park Lane
Knoxville, Tennessee 37922-8525
Contact: W. Marshall
Phone: (865) 805-7261
Abstract: The Tai-Yang Research Company, in partnership with the Center for Advanced Power Systems at Florida State University, proposes to develop a novel solution for reducing the high heat load at the warm-to-cold electrical terminations of a high temperature superconducting cable configured for Navy ship power distribution systems. The termination design will be constrained to meet unique Navy requirements for shipboard cryogenically cooled systems. The termination will be be a compact, modular, factory built, "plug and play" component designed for maximum ruggedness and reliability.
Benefits: The largest single source of heat in a cryogenically cooled superconductor cable system is at the warm-to-cold terminations. The solutions to be developed in the proposed project will reduce the energy cost to cool the cables, thereby lowering plant equipment, installation costs and costs of operation.
