HAS: A Highly Available and Securely coded Data Storage System for Wireless Mesh Network
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-003
Topic Title: HAS: A Highly Available and Securely coded Data Storage System for Wireless Mesh Network
Proposal No.: N121-003-1243
Firm: Intelligent Automation, Inc.
15400 Calhoun Drive
Suite 400
Rockville, Maryland 20855
Contact: Jason Li
Phone: (301) 294-5275
Web Site: www.i-a-i.com
Abstract: It is challenging to securely store and efficiently retrieve data in wireless network environment. In this effort, IAI proposes a highly available and securely coded data storage system for wireless mesh networks, called HAS, to address this challenging problem. HAS is a distributed and highly available data storage system that can recover the data stored in the network when a minimum number of wireless nodes are accessible. Moreover, HAS is secure under eavesdropping and Byzantine attacks. In HAS, we integrate erasure coding scheme, Shamir's secret sharing algorithm and crypto primitives to securely distribute the sensitive data files among network nodes and to improve the availability of the data files. Moreover, we design a secure end-to-end delivery protocol to protect the data in motion. Additionally, we adopt efficient techniques to efficiently implement these coding schemes, crypto primitives and secure end-to-end delivery protocol in HAS. We will prove that our integration of these coding schemes, crypto primitives and secure end-to-end delivery protocol is secure under the model of universal composability. Finally, we will integrate these proposed techniques and concepts in a workable data storage prototype.
Benefits: The proposed HAS provides a feasible solution to secure data storage and efficient data retrieval. The architecture and techniques can be applied to a broad range of military scenarios that involve sensitive program and information protection including war-time command and control, real-time surveillance network, homeland security, etc. Other potential commercial applications include the software industry, banking, law enforcement and various civilian agencies. In essence, the ideas, methods and products resulting from this effort will be suitable for applications where digital asset (such as software program) protection is needed. The market is quite large and still developing due to the growth of the computer and software industry. IAI is more than a "think tank", and we have actively pursued with our partners the application of our technologies into actual products in the past. For this proposed effort, in particular, we strongly believe that our work provides the solution needed in practice. It is also reasonable to expect a source of revenue from service contracts related with the actual development of such a product for secure data storage and retrieval. In addition, IAI will closely work with our partners and collaborator companies to transfer this technology into the military and commercial world.
