Embedded Sensors with Low Power Telemetry for Towed Arrays
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-048
Topic Title: Embedded Sensors with Low Power Telemetry for Towed Arrays
Proposal No.: N121-048-0611
Firm: Progeny Systems Corporation
9500 Innovation Drive
Manassas, Virginia 20110
Contact: Dave Baird
Phone: (801) 359-4566
Web Site: www.progeny.net
Abstract: This topic seeks the development of innovative concepts that can increase the number of hydrophones and telemetry channels per unit length while simultaneously achieving a very small form factor (i.e., the length/diameter requirement). This means that the telemetry electronics need to be significantly smaller than current designs. As such, the degree of miniaturization of the diameter and length of the embedded sensor and telemetry should be a significant part of any innovative concept developed.
Benefits: Towed low power/low noise acoustic sensors would be of great interest to the seismic oil and natural gas exploration industries. Low power, spatially oversampled sensors can be used to increase survey speeds (and thus reduce costs) for sub bottom mapping in oil exploration and other water-borne geophysical applications.
