Low-Cost, Robust, Monolithic Semiconductor Mid-Infrared Laser With Very Wide Tunability
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-032
Topic Title: Low-Cost, Robust, Monolithic Semiconductor Mid-Infrared Laser With Very Wide Tunability
Proposal No.: N121-032-0501
Firm: EOS Photonics
30 Spinelli Place
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
Contact: Laurent Diehl
Phone: (617) 945-9137
Abstract: Eos Photonics proposes to develop, together with Harvard University, the next generation of widely-tunable high power quantum cascade laser (QCL) sources with high output power at a wavelength of 4.6 microns. The QCL device relies on the integration of DBR gratings and will cover the entire wavelength range from 4.18 to 5.11 microns with an output power greater than 500mW. The design parameters will be explored to maximize output power, wall plug efficiency and tuning range. Additionally, we will explore methods to manufacture the laser systems with high production yield.
Benefits: The development of high power, widely-tunable quantum cascade laser source is poised to disrupt a number of DoD applications, and in particular infrared countermeasure aimed at protecting civilian and military aircrafts from Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS). This market segment alone is commercially interesting as it is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Other potential applications include target illuminators, identification friends or foes (IFF) and long wave free-space optical communication. Because this technology can be adapted to meet the spectral requirements of sensors, Eos Photonics expects the proposed development to also result in the realization of new miniature analytical instruments that can detect explosives and other chemical threats.
