Novel Fluorine-Containing Rocket Propellant components
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-083
Topic Title: Novel Fluorine-Containing Rocket Propellant components
Proposal No.: N121-083-1063
Firm: Fluorochem, Inc.
680 S. Ayon Ave.
Azusa, California 91702-5122
Contact: Kurt Baum
Phone: (626) 334-6714
Web Site:
Abstract: The objective of this program is to synthesize routes a new fluorine-containing propellant component for solid rocket propellants which will lead to increased impulse density, long service life (> 20 years), increased specific impulse (Isp) relative to state-of-the-art propellants, and support a 1.3 hazard classification and insensitive munitions compliance. The addition of fluorine-containing components to propellants generally results in increased density, and if the fluorine is attached to nitrogen, increased energy performance. To obtain the benefits of fluorine without decreasing oxidation balance, it is generally advantageous to design components also containing an energetic oxygen source, such as nitro groups.
Benefits: The development of advanced propellant components would provide the basis for advanced future generations of rocket propellants for missile defense systems, as well as tactical and strategic missiles. Commercial applications would include satellite technologies.
