Durable Solution for Compressor Airfoil Leading Edges in Gas Turbine Engines
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-039
Topic Title: Durable Solution for Compressor Airfoil Leading Edges in Gas Turbine Engines
Proposal No.: N121-039-0155
Firm: UES, Inc.
4401 Dayton-Xenia Road
Dayton, Ohio 45432-1894
Contact: Rabi Bhattacharya
Phone: (937) 426-6900
Web Site: www.ues.com
Abstract: Particle impacts cause erosion of leading edges of the compressor airfoils as well as the side or surface of the airfoil beyond the leading edge. Although erosion resistant coatings have been developed and applied on the airfoils during the past decade or two and that have protected the side or surface of the airfoil quite satisfactorily, the erosion of the leading edge is still a serious issue. This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project explores the feasibility of producing an erosion resistant leading edge of compressor airfoils using advanced surface engineering technologies. The modified leading edges will be tested for erosion and corrosion resistance.
Benefits: Successful development of environmentally acceptable erosion resistant leading edge of compressor airfoil will enable applications in turbine engines of military aircrafts. Commercial applications of this coating are expected in the commercial aircraft engines, land-based turbine systems, and other power plant parts.
