High-Speed High-Fidelity Reprogrammable Kernel for DRFM Applications
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-034
Topic Title: High-Speed High-Fidelity Reprogrammable Kernel for DRFM Applications
Proposal No.: N121-034-0488
Firm: Euvis Corp
685 Cochran Steet, Suite 160
Simi Valley, California 93065-1925
Contact: Jeff Liu
Phone: (805) 583-9888
Web Site: www.euvis.com
Abstract: A four channel DRFM module integrated the GHz ADC and DAC with Xilinx Vertex6 FPGA on the PCB is proposed. All the components will use proven commercial off-the-self (COTS) products to minimize technical risks. The converters will be selected based on the bandwidth, broadband SFDR, latencies and synchronization capabilities. DSP core is propsoed with polyphase channelized receiver and transmitter for single signal path.The basic amplitude, phase and frequency modulations will be implemneted with frequency resolution better than 0.1 Hz. Three types of memories will be used to meet the delay and data size requirements. There will be four signal paths for a complete DRFM kernel. This DRFM module leverages the core technologies of Euvis' existing module products such as Multi-Gsps AWGs, 2 Gsps digitzers and FPGA codes. The developed DRFM will provide 500 MHz instantaeous bandwidth with 60 dB SFDR.
Benefits: This generic and highly programmable platform is well suited for supporting potential future irregular threats. It can be used for radar testing and evaluations. The high speed digitizer and signal processing can be used for electronic supporting measurement systems. Same generic hardware platform can be reused for many different commercial applications such as next generation wireless base stations.
