High-Integrity P(Y)-Code Receiver (HIPR) for Precision Approach and Landing of Military Aircraft
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-030
Topic Title: High-Integrity P(Y)-Code Receiver (HIPR) for Precision Approach and Landing of Military Aircraft
Proposal No.: N121-030-0298
Firm: Mayflower Communications Company, Inc.
20 Burlington Mall Road
Burlington, Massachusetts 01803
Contact: Nareshbabu Jarmale
Phone: (781) 359-9500
Web Site: www.mayflowercom.com
Abstract: Mayflower proposes to develop an innovative suite of algorithms and signal processing enhancements for use on SAASM P(Y)-code GPS receiver so as to meet the near-Category I approach and landing requirements of accuracy, integrity, continuity, and availability (high assurance) for precision approach and landing of military aircraft at civil airfields. The proposed software suite implemented in the aircraft SAASM GPS receiver will enable landing of the military aircraft using the enhanced P(Y)-code SAASM receiver at military as well as civil airfields. The proposed solution - a receiver augmentation - does not depend upon any signals from ground-based augmentation system (GBAS) or space-based augmentation system (SBAS) to meet the precision approach and landing requirement. We have identified an integrity architecture called RRAIM-Extended ARAIM (ERAIM), which will form the basis for algorithm development. Mayflower's primary focus will be on incorporating the proposed enhancements with software-only upgrades to the aircraft SAASM receiver. In a Phase II program, Mayflower will plan to implement the enhancements in software on our own NavAssurer family of SAASM receiver products and fully evaluate this enhanced capability against the requirement. The receiver enhancement software will be transitioned and made available for upgrading the onboard aircraft SAASM receiver for commercialization of the SBIR technology.
Benefits: The proposed technology development will result in near-Category I approach and landing capability on the military aircraft using a SAASM P(Y) Code GPS receiver upgraded with ERAIM algorithms. The military commercialization activity will include licensing of the receiver software to Navy aircraft platform receiver vendors. The software algorithms and GPS receiver technology will also be applicable to General Aviation market.
