GPU-Based Radio Frequency (RF) Modeling for Correlated Environment Communication System Simulators with Sensor Simulators
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-011
Topic Title: GPU-Based Radio Frequency (RF) Modeling for Correlated Environment Communication System Simulators with Sensor Simulators
Proposal No.: N121-011-0617
Firm: Aravant Corporation
1518 Laguna St., #4
Santa Barbara, California 93101-1161
Contact: Scott Frasier
Phone: (805) 965-0707
Abstract: Pacific Innovation proposes to develop an improved RF propagation and scattering simulation applicable to complex scattering and propagation environments that include specular and diffuse surface scattering, and volume attenuation, refraction, and scintillation. To properly model inherent correlations induced by the scattering environments, electromagnetic propagation will be directly calculated with respect to physical distributions of surface and volume scattering material at multiple frequencies simultaneously. Because much of the calculation satisfies the conditions of symmetric data parallelism, the simulation will be developed to take advantage of Graphics Processor Units (GPU). The Phase I Base Plan goal is to conduct a feasibility and performance study of the applicabilty of a GPU-based propagation solution. We will select a set of physics-based calculations to implement on a GPU platform to demonstrate our approach and measure their relative performance gains over their CPU counterparts. Under a Phase I Option Plan we propose to develop a demonstration application that applies one or more scattering effects to a signal propagated between a moving source and receiver pair.
Benefits: Rapid calculation of RF propagation and scattering effects in complex environments. Commercial applications include cell phone and broadband coverage modeling.
