Lightweight, Low Cost, Multiweapon Missile Canister
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-063
Topic Title: Lightweight, Low Cost, Multiweapon Missile Canister
Proposal No.: N121-063-0621
Firm: Texas Research Institute Austin, Inc.
9063 Bee Caves Road
Austin, Texas 78733-6201
Contact: Harry Perkinson
Phone: (512) 263-2101
Web Site:
Abstract: The development of a lower weight MK 25 missile canister will allow performance enhancement of the ESSM through missile weight growth without requiring engineering and installation changes to the MK 41 VLS. A lower weight canister can be achieved through the judicious use of composite materials. In order to use composite materials as major portions of the MK 25 missile canister, such as the subcell sidewalls, the launch rails, corners, and framework, a lengthy and complex set of interrelationships between performance requirements, environmental capabilities, materials, and processes will be balanced. TRI will leverage its Thermasafe TM fire tolerant composite resin system, which has already been used in the development of a missile canister prototype and which has passed MIL-STD-2031 for fire, smoke, and toxicity. Weight savings as high as 40% for specific canister subcomponents are anticipated. A hybrid manufacturing process will balance ease of manufacturing with performance requirements. Canister design analysis will be accomplished through the use of NASTRAN and LS Dyna models that will be based on Navy generated date for missile firings. TRI has teamed with the appropriate OEMs to ensure capture of all system requirements and to set the path for transition.
Benefits: The development of a lower weight MK 25 missile container will provide the Navy with additional defensive capability through the improved ESSM. The fabrication process developments will translate to other composite material structures where the completed structure volume does not warrant cost reducing manufacturing processes, but where creating the completed structure out of multiple standardized subcomponents does allow cost effective manufacturing of the subcomponents to be translated to a lower cost completed structure. The lighter weight material proposed for the design of the composite material MK 25 missile canister will allow enhanced ship performance without sacrificing safety with regard to fire, smoke and toxicity.
