Deep Turbulence Compensation: Adaptive Tactical Laser System (ATLAS)
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-024
Topic Title: Deep Turbulence Compensation: Adaptive Tactical Laser System (ATLAS)
Proposal No.: N121-024-0669
Firm: Nutronics, Inc.
4665 Nautilus Ct. S. STE 500
Boulder, Colorado 80301
Contact: Jeffrey Barchers
Phone: (303) 530-2002
Web Site:
Abstract: Nutronics, Inc. proposes a solution to the problem of compensation in the Deep Turbulence regime and the related paradox that plagues the Directed Energy community: For nearly all military applications with non-cooperative targets, if the turbulence is so severe that AO is needed, then the current state of the art in AO is no longer effective for turbulence correction. Our proposed solution, the Adaptive Tactical Laser System (ATLAS) has been proven in both laboratory and simulation base evaluation to provide an effective solution to the Deep Turbulence problem. ATLAS is a system solution, and not simply a sensing solution, that provides the ability to accurately measure the desired complex field and inherently isolates phase aberrations due to turbulence from phase aberrations due to laser speckle - ensuring maximum power density at the target. Nutronics, Inc. proposes to utilize wave optical simulation and laboratory testing to develop a performance envelope for ATLAS for Navy applications. Through this process, Nutonics, Inc. will also develop an understanding of alternate means to reach Deep Turbulence conditions, such as a non-zero inner scale or thermal blooming effects.
Benefits: The proposed effort has numerous potential benefits and commercial applications, including (but not limited to): laser communication, space situational awareness, astronomical ground based imaging, laser radar, laser rangefinding, aircraft self defense (both commercial and military), air-base defense, ship self-defense, and tactical precision strike.
