Distributed storage in wireless mesh networks
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-003
Topic Title: Distributed storage in wireless mesh networks
Proposal No.: N121-003-0239
Firm: McQ Inc.
1551 Forbes St.
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22405-1603
Contact: Ron Knobler
Phone: (540) 373-2374
Web Site: www.mcqinc.com
Abstract: Mobile devices are prevalent for numerous military and commercial applications, and require secure peer-to-peer file sharing without a centralized authority. With risk of device compromise, complete system files cannot be stored on a device, since an adversary can attack the data-at-rest, and eventually obtain the original file. McQ has developed an approach using an innovative secret sharing approach, custom distributed file sharing system, and lightweight communications security to provide a complete solution to the data-at-rest problem for resource constrained embedded systems. This innovative approach scales to large number of network devices, without a single point of failure, and without burdening the user. This approach will be refined during Phase I by selecting and optimizing the required secret sharing technique, refining the file storage system design, and developing a conceptual design of the system.
Benefits: The approached developed for this SBIR can be leveraged to McQ's OmniWatch video system to protect video clips that are stored on McQ's imaging devices. This application will protect the video clips from capture by an adversary, and secure them such that data captured by the system can be used for judicial action for INTEL and law enforcement applications. McQ has potential customers that have expressed an interest in such a system, which provides direct commercialization benefits as a result of this SBIR. On a broader level, a secure and distributed file system would be useful for mobile device (e.g. radios, cell phones) users to store and retrieve files dynamically, which shows a broad use by military and commercial applications.
