Spatially-Distributed Electron Beam Technology for Millimeter-Wave Amplifiers
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-046
Topic Title: Spatially-Distributed Electron Beam Technology for Millimeter-Wave Amplifiers
Proposal No.: N121-046-0317
Firm: Calabazas Creek Research, Inc.
690 Port Drive
San Mateo, California 94404-1010
Contact: Michael Read
Phone: (802) 479-1428
Web Site:
Abstract: The goal of the program is to show feasibility for a V-Band TWT with a CW beam power exceeding 30 kW using a novel, multiple beam, electron gun supplying the required beam power with a maximum energy of 25 kV, consistent with a compact system. Multiple or distributed beam sources are required to achieve high total beam power at reduced voltage. The reduced voltage reduces the size and cost of the total system, while also improving the performance. This program will investigate several RF circuit configurations and identify the most promising to achieve the RF power goals. The program will then develop the multiple beam electron gun to provide the required beam power and configuration. The program will use advanced controlled porosity reservoir cathodes to improve the electron gun performance while simultaneously increasing lifetime. If the Phase I Option is funded, CCR will fabricate and test an electron gun with permanent magnet focusing in a comparable geometry.
Benefits: Compact, high frequency, RF sources would find wide application for high bandwidth digital communications with significantly increased data rates. This would find wide application for commercial communications systems.
