Small Projector Array Display
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-005
Topic Title: Small Projector Array Display
Proposal No.: N121-005-0851
Firm: Protobox LLC
5717 Huberville Ave
Riverside, Ohio 45431
Contact: Ronald Ewart
Phone: (937) 205-0905
Web Site:
Abstract: Protobox LLC is proposing to design, develop, and implement an architecture that will permit an array of small low-cost projectors to generate a continuous high quality display. This display system would be comparable to a full field-of-view rear projection display such as the "Octonian" or "ICE Box" display. It could also be designed as a panoramic large wall display. In both cases the small projectors allow a high resolution quality image to be displayed while the footprint size and display height are significantly reduced.
Benefits: Anticipated benefits include a significantly higher resolution image as seen by the observer. Due to the small physical projection area for each projector, the projectors can be located physically close to the screen. This eliminates the need for flip mirrors, reduces the size of the footprint, and will reduce the height of the system to one which can be installed in a room with an 8 foot ceiling.
