Transparent Armored Windows for Ships
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-066
Topic Title: Transparent Armored Windows for Ships
Proposal No.: N121-066-0922
Firm: Technology Assessment & Transfer, Inc.
133 Defense Highway, Suite 212
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Contact: Jeffrey Kutsch
Phone: (410) 987-1656
Web Site:
Abstract: The damaging effects of age, poor framing and general wear and tear on traditional ship based transparent armor windows leads to delamination or other failures within the window. These failures compromise safety not only from ballistic threats but also by obstructing outward views. A new two-pane transparent armor window and framing system is proposed. This new window would be fabricated from Spinel saving both weight and decreasing thickness. These saving allow for a second inner window to take the daily abuse from cabin environment, leaving the external window for ballistic protection. A spinel based armor system will increase ballistic protection, increase situational awareness, increase NVG and MWIR capabilities and decrease chances for delamination defects due to few layers within the solution.
Benefits: Anticipated benefits from the proposed Spinel armor solution effort include enhanced ballistic protections levels; increased situational awareness due to thinner cross sections, increased NVG and MWIR capabilities compared to traditional ballistic glass solutions, increase resistance to chemical attack and abrasive wear and decreased chances for delamination defects. The new framing system would completely isolate the window assembly from the superstructure of the ship thereby decrease the chances for strain induced delamination.
