Nano-Composite Anode for Thermal Batteries
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-035
Topic Title: Nano-Composite Anode for Thermal Batteries
Proposal No.: N121-035-0034
Firm: Giner, Inc.
89 Rumford Avenue
Newton, Massachusetts 02466-1311
Contact: Junqing Ma
Phone: (781) 529-0587
Web Site:
Abstract: To increase specific power of thermal batteries, thinning the electrodes by cold pressing has been the primary approach to decrease the electrolyte diffusion distance during discharge and to reduce the significant portion of electrode materials un-reacted after discharge. This approach however, further reduces porosity of the electrodes making them even less permeable to electrolyte. Handling thin and brittle electrode disks adds significant manufacturing costs. Giner, Inc. proposes to address these problems by using a fibrous nano-composite anode for applications in next-generation high power/energy density thermal batteries. In the Phase I program, Giner will synthesize this fibrous composite anode and demonstrate its performance in a prototype single cell. On a Phase II program, Giner will scale up this composite anode and develop optimized electrode fabrication procedures and full size prototype cells will be fabricated and tested in nonoperational and operational environments. Safety tests will also be performed in Phase II in accordance to Navy's missile battery safety requirements.
Benefits: Thermal batteries are used in ground, sea and air launched missiles, with their requirements for long inactive storage life, followed by rapid deployment and short flight times. The number of applications has grown considerably to include terminally-guided mortars, terminally guided glide-bombs, shells and underwater weapons and decoys. The proposed composite anode will increase the power/energy density of existing thermal batteries by more than 35%.
