Technologies/Methods for enabling Transactional Interfaces
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-106
Topic Title: Technologies/Methods for enabling Transactional Interfaces
Proposal No.: N121-106-0357
Firm: Schwalb Research
26 Valley View
Irvine, California 92612-3211
Contact: Edward Schwalb
Phone: (949) 697-2762
Web Site:
Abstract: Combat systems exchange tactical information over sequences of non-standard transactions, leading to tight stove-piped coupling between internal interfaces and the data links. This increases the cost of modernization and hampers insertion within existing systems. This project will focus on the understanding of existing legacy interfaces, and develop Proxy-Adapter-Active-Agents (PA3) technology for incremental migration from message-oriented TADIL-J traffic towards a stateless (non-transactional) cloud network traffic. We will prove the feasibility of gradual migration into the cloud-based architecture, enable the development of a DoD "APP Store" capability for hand held devices, and eventually, leverage the "Power to the Edge". Our commercialization strategy include a specific plans for the initial product.
Benefits: The proposed technology will reduce the cost continuous modernization of a wide range of weapon systems over a decade or more. The approach can be extended to modernization of any legacy DoD system.
