Novel Biosensor for Rapid Determination of Biochemical Oxygen Demand in Wastewater
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-053
Topic Title: Novel Biosensor for Rapid Determination of Biochemical Oxygen Demand in Wastewater
Proposal No.: N121-053-0110
Firm: Lynntech, Inc.
2501 Earl Rudder Freeway South
College Station, Texas 77845-6023
Contact: G. Hitchens
Phone: (979) 764-2200
Web Site:
Abstract: Due to increasingly strict regulations on the discharge of shipboard wastewater, the Navy has begun installing Coast Guard certified type II marine sanitation devices (MSDs) onboard ships to allow wastewater to be discharged overboard in restricted waters. To ensure treated wastewater is safe to discharge, the Navy must monitor effluent quality parameters such as the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). However, current laboratory methods for BOD measurement take 5 days to complete. Lynntech is developing a novel bioelectrochemical method to measure BOD which takes <1 hr to complete using a device which is compact and simple to operate. Lynntech has previously shown that the bioelectrochemical BOD sensor has a linear response to BOD values of 200 mg/mL with a lower detection limit of 5 mg/mL. Furthermore, the BOD detection method is amenable to automation, allowing near real-time monitoring of wastewater effluent quality. The Phase I effort will focus on improving repeatability and simplifying the measurement method. During the Phase II, a prototype sensor device will be fabricated and tested.
Benefits: In addition to applications for the Navy, Lynntech anticipates the BOD sensor technology will find widespread use in civilian market sectors due to its rapid response, high sensitivity, and ease of use. The potential market for a rapid BOD sensor is substantial given that BOD measurements are universally performed at >15,000 publicly owned treatment works in the U.S.
