Hybrid Photonic and Electronic Ultra Wideband Low Power Digitizer
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-093
Topic Title: Hybrid Photonic and Electronic Ultra Wideband Low Power Digitizer
Proposal No.: N121-093-0842
Firm: W Scientific, LLC
4350 E. Camelback Rd, Suite E160
Phoenix, Arizona 85018
Contact: Andrew Baek
Phone: (714) 658-9178
Web Site: www.w-scientific.com
Abstract: W Scientific plans to build a deployable ultra wideband digitizer system based on a unique combination of a photonic front-end processor with a high speed time-interleaving electronic digitizer. The hybrid architecture allows the system to achieve a wide analog bandwidth with high sampling dynamic range in a power efficient manner.
Benefits: The combination of the photonic preprocessor and high-speed electronic digitizer enables a variety of applications that demand ultra high sampling and real-time processing throughput, which are not practical with electronic-only digitizers. The hybrid photonic and electronic digitizer architecture provides fundamental technologies in a number of applications ranging from 40G/100G optical communications to Terahertz spectrum. Also medical imaging applications that require high processing capability to detect rare events can benefit from the technology.
