Spatially-Distributed Electron Beam Technology for Millimeter-Wave Amplifiers
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-046
Topic Title: Spatially-Distributed Electron Beam Technology for Millimeter-Wave Amplifiers
Proposal No.: N121-046-1286
Firm: Beam-Wave Research, Inc.
5406 Bradley Boulevard
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
Contact: Khanh Nguyen
Phone: (240) 535-2162
Abstract: The proposed program is for the design of a multiple-beam electron gun and beam transport system suitable for integration with a novel amplifier capable of generating more than 2 kW of output power over a very broad bandwidth. As part of the proposed effort, beam phasespace from gun design will be imported into large signal codes and/or PIC codes to optimize beam-wave interaction. Amplifier size and weight will also be optimized as an integral part of the proposed work. Based on the design study, a mechanical layout of the beamstick will be prepared for evaluation for evaluation by Government personnelat the end of the program .
Benefits: Successful completion of this project will result in baseline designs for both the electron gun and beam-wave interaction circuit. The electron gun beam optic design will form the foundation for the Phase-II engineering design and fabrication of the electron gun. Successful development of the electron gun will enable the development of a new class of spatially distributed beam amplifiers for DoD and civilian applications in radar, communications, and electronic warfare
