Computational Design and Development of Advanced Stainless Steel for Aircraft Engine and Lift Fan Gearbox Bearings
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-022
Topic Title: Computational Design and Development of Advanced Stainless Steel for Aircraft Engine and Lift Fan Gearbox Bearings
Proposal No.: N121-022-0334
Firm: QuesTek Innovations LLC
1820 Ridge Avenue
Evanston, Illinois 60201-3621
Contact: James Wright
Phone: (847) 425-8225
Web Site:
Abstract: High-performance, stainless bearing steel is needed to achieve long life and efficient operation of aerospace drive system turbine machinery operating in a corrosive environment. Available aerospace gear alloys such as Pyrowearr 53, 9310, and Ferriumr C64 are not corrosion resistant. Other options may also provide some level of corrosion resistance, such as in Pyrowear 675, but, ultimately, corrosion resistance is compromised due to suboptimal case carburized microstructure and low matrix chromium content. Prior developments to optimize bearing alloy composition and processing have been primarily empirical, an approach that yields diminishing returns when analyzing these complex material systems. QuesTek Innovations LLC proposes to computationally design and develop a stainless bearing steel. Property and processing requirements will be defined in collaboration with OEM drive system experts, steel foundry metallurgists, and Navy technical experts. The rapid alloy design will leverage QuesTek's Materials by Design approach and proprietary materials models to design for corrosion and contact fatigue resistance. Technical feasibility will be demonstrated in the Phase I program with hardness and corrosion testing of solution nitrided sub-scale and laboratory scale prototypes. During the Phase II program, the manufacturing will be scaled up in collaboration with end-users and manufacturing partners to accelerate the technology adoption.
Benefits: Successful completion of the program will result in a fully-developed, commercially available stainless bearing steel that will enable improved performance and durability of many commercial and military applications. Both military and commercial turbine engines will benefit from this technology by extending life and performance of mechanical systems while reducing unscheduled maintenance and repairs. This technology would be highly beneficial to any mechanical system required to operate in a corrosive environment. Non-aerospace applications may include improved medical devices, hand tools, and applications that may benefit from a unique combination of fatigue, wear, and corrosion resistance.
