Reconfigurable Optical Traps for use with Compact Sources of Ultracold Atoms
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-100
Topic Title: Reconfigurable Optical Traps for use with Compact Sources of Ultracold Atoms
Proposal No.: N121-100-0134
Firm: ColdQuanta
1600 Range Street
Suite 103
Boulder, Colorado 80301
Contact: Daniel Farkas
Phone: (303) 440-1284
Web Site:
Abstract: ColdQuanta's objective is to produce a complete, turnkey, ultracold-atom system that provides reconfigurable optical control for trapping and manipulating ultracold atoms. We specifically target a compact, flexible apparatus for developing practical systems of DoD interest, such as inertial sensors, magnetometers, and atomic clocks. At the same time, the proposed system will substantially enable experiments of fundamental interest, such as the emulation of condensed matter systems.
Benefits: (1) To greatly simplify the apparatus needed to produce, trap, and manipulate ultracold matter via optical methods. (2) To facilitate R&D of applications of Navy relevance as well as general scientific interest.
