High-Efficiency, High-Temperature Laser Diodes for Naval High-Energy Laser Applications
Navy SBIR FY2012.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2012.1
Topic No.: N121-013
Topic Title: High-Efficiency, High-Temperature Laser Diodes for Naval High-Energy Laser Applications
Proposal No.: N121-013-0359
Firm: Princeton Optronics, Inc.
1 Electronics Dr
Mercerville, New Jersey 08619
Contact: Jean Seurin
Phone: (609) 584-9696
Web Site: princetonoptronics.com
Abstract: The Navy is interested in developing high temperature and high operation efficiency pumps for fiber lasers. VCSEL technology offers an excellent choice for the development of high efficiency, high temperature pumps. Princeton Optronics has developed high power VCSEL arrays delivering hundreds of watts of power from small chips and has developed high brightness arrays for fiber laser pumping. We propose an approach in which we are able to improve the operating temperature and efficiency of the VCSELs to the levels required in this solicitation and package them in low cost package to meet the cost objectives of the program. In phase I, we would demonstrate the feasibility of the approach and in phase II we would deliver >50W arrays with operating temperature of >70 deg C and an efficiency of >70% at that temperature.
Benefits: There is a very large market for fiber laser pumps. The fiber laser commercial market is of $300M in 2010 and >50% of the cost of the fiber laser is for the pumps. However, the market is vertically integrated and the biggest manufacturer with 70% market share has its own pump manufacturing. Even if we consider the outside market alone, the market size if more than $20M. We would be able to capture 50% of that market in few years with the superior VCSEL product that we would develop in this SBIR and its lower cost. In terms of the military market, there is a multi-million dollar R&D market for the fiber laser pumps for military which is now being supported by edge emitter pump companies. Once we develop the VCSEL based pumps, a good part of the market would change to VCSELs. Princeton Optronics has a strong manufacturing and marketing and sales capability to capture a significant part of the market, once the product is developed. We expect a sales level in the range of $2-5M in two to three years after development of the products in this SBIR.
