Concept Maps from RDF (Resource Description Framework)
Navy SBIR FY2013.2

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2013.2
Topic No.: N132-128
Topic Title: Concept Maps from RDF (Resource Description Framework)
Proposal No.: N132-128-0496
Firm: Lakota Technical Solutions, Inc.
PO Box 2309
Columbia, Maryland 21045
Contact: William Farrell
Phone: (410) 381-9780
Web Site:
Abstract: Under this SBIR program, Lakota Technical Solutions, Inc. (Lakota) will develop the Semantic Cloud Cognitive Concept Mapping (SC3M) technology for Concept Map development from Resource Description Framework (RDF) data stores. This technology provides the ability to: (1) develop concept maps from a cloud-based RDF data store using cognitive models developed with the Goal-Directed Task Analysis (GDTA) methodology, (2) enable exploratory and query-based development of concept maps using user-supplied context and focus questions, and (3) provide an intuitive and clear conveyance of knowledge expressed as a concept map. Our approach will leverage a previously developed cloud-based RDF data store as well as existing cognitive models for Army and Air Force Intel Analysts to provide a capability for the user to build context-relevant knowledge around meaningful relationships in support of the development of actionable intelligence.
Benefits: The proposed Semantic Cloud Cognitive Concept Mapping (SC3M) technology provides several anticipated innovative results that are applicable beyond the scope of this SBIR. The first benefit of SC3M is the development of a hybrid cloud-computing architecture that simultaneously supports stream (Complex Event Processing) and batch (MapReduce) analytics. This capability can be employed in a wide range of data mining, decision support, and machine learning applications. The second benefit is the development of a formal methodology for using Goal-Directed Task Analysis (GDTA) to automate information processing on behalf of a user/operator. The third benefit is the development of a contextual presentation layer that employs spatial, temporal, conceptual, and relational visualization elements to formulate user context with minimal data entry. While these capabilities form the basis of the proposed SC3M technology for this SBIR, they are also innovative and broadly applicable to other problems in information science.
