Expeditionary Portable Oxygen Generation System
Navy SBIR FY2014.2

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2014.2
Topic No.: N142-087
Topic Title: Expeditionary Portable Oxygen Generation System
Proposal No.: N142-087-0377
Firm: TDA Research, Inc.
12345 W. 52nd Ave.
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033-1916
Contact: Gokhan Alptekin
Phone: (303) 940-2349
Web Site: http://www.tda.com
Abstract: The Forward Resuscitative Surgical System (FRSS) provides an expeditionary surgical capability for the surgical stabilization of injured warfighters. For Marine Corps expeditionary medical applications, Portable Oxygen Generation (POG) is used to produce on-demand medical-grade oxygen from air for patient ventilation, anesthesia, and to refill oxygen bottles. The power demand for current POG systems can exceed 1800 W and overload the FRSS generators. Additionally, these systems are bulky (34.35 CF) and heavy (644 lbs). Oxygen bottles are sometimes used; but due to their finite storage capacity they create even a larger logistics burden. TDA Research, Inc. (TDA) proposes to develop a small, low power, portable oxygen generator that uses vacuum swing adsorption (VSA) to produce USP grade medical oxygen. The unit uses ambient air as the feed and delivers a very high purity oxygen (over 99% vol. if desired). This unit will meet DOD requirements for high flow capacity (10-15 LPM) and be able to produce oxygen at up to 2,200 psig to refill D-size oxygen bottles. In Phase I we will carry out a detailed design of a VSA based POG system using our proprietary air separation sorbent and demonstrate that TDA's POG can meet the Marine Corps needs. The concentrator will have an adjustable pressure output to produce 10-15 LPM of O2 at 93+% vol. purity from ambient air. The unit will be designed to operate in all climates and environments that may be encountered by Marine Corps; it's operation will not be degraded at ambient temperatures between 125�F and -40�F, it will operate in all humidity levels up to 100 percent, and be resistant to the effects of salt/water spray, and extreme sand and dust conditions to the extent outlined in MIL-STD 810F/G. TDA's POC can be employed in all FRSSs and will have the ability to be transported in all tactical cargo and medical vehicles, including Marine Corps rotary aircraft.
Benefits: The portable medical oxygen generator will also find immediate use in the medical evacuation platforms used in the military and civilian applications. The sorbent used in the system would also be applicable to bulk production of oxygen. Oxygen is a strategically important chemical, with a $2.0 billion market value.
