Intelligent Multi-Computing-Platform for Complex Tactical Manned and Unmanned Engagement Planning and Data Distribution
Navy SBIR FY2014.2

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2014.2
Topic No.: N142-105
Topic Title: Intelligent Multi-Computing-Platform for Complex Tactical Manned and Unmanned Engagement Planning and Data Distribution
Proposal No.: N142-105-0080
Firm: Chesapeake Technology International Corporation
44427 Airport Road, Suite 100
California, Maryland 20619
Contact: Dustan Hellwig
Phone: (719) 488-2726
Web Site:
Abstract: Chesapeake Technology International's proposed solution for the "Intelligent Multi-Computing-Platform for Complex Tactical Manned and Unmanned Engagement Planning and Data Distribution" SBIR program is the Synchronized Collaborative Open Planning Environment, or SCOPE. SCOPE builds upon CTI's extensive experience in mission planning, execution, automation, distribution, and management to provide planners and analysts with the ability to collaboratively plan strike missions using current and emerging desktop and mobile computing devices. Leveraging existing thin-client, data caching and synchronization, virtualization, and advanced planning and visualization capabilities along with emerging cross-domain, secure wireless, and data standardization approaches, CTI's SCOPE will satisfy all of the requirements for this SBIR program, provide an extensible architecture for future growth and expansion, and provide security and assurance within a tactical aviation planning environment. CTI's analysis will identify the architecture, technologies, and software approach/technique for this collaborative mission planning capability resulting in a design of the distributed planning capabilities, the interface and data standards that would be applied, the impact on integrating or modifying existing Joint Mission Planning System core and Unique Planning Component software to work within this remote/distributed computing environment, and a clear plan for moving forward with prototype development and demonstration including a complete plan for IA certification.
Benefits: Some potential commercial applications of CTI's solution include the commercial aviation industry, the commercial package delivery business, Homeland Security/Defense, and Federal and Local Emergency Management. Any domain or business area that requires distributed, coordinated planning and execution could provide an applicable market for the technologies developed under this SBIR program. The military strike planning arena is probably one of the most complex operating environments within which SCOPE would be used and therefore it should be capable of handling these other, less strenuous areas of potential use.
