Mini IFF Avionic
Navy SBIR FY2014.2

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2014.2
Topic No.: N142-102
Topic Title: Mini IFF Avionic
Proposal No.: N142-102-0689
Firm: R Cubed Engineering, LLC
12038 Taos Trail
Lusby, Maryland 20657
Contact: Vincent Contarino
Phone: (240) 298-1025
Abstract: Develop a detailed, low risk, prototype design, cost and schedule using COTS components that will meet the less than 7 in3 threshold and include all of the required modes. This design will be suitable for medium and high volume production, and will meet all of the specified and derived environmental requirements for both FAA and Military avionics as outlined in the solicitation. Low rate production prototypes will be built for testing during phase II. Additional FAA requirements for certification will have a clearly defined path for phase III. The AIMS certification path will also be well defined for completion in phase III.
Benefits: The development of a miniaturized low cost IFF for military UAS will also be usable for commercial applications of UAS and small manned general aviation aircraft when the crypto applique is not attached. Currently not avionic is small enough for the commercial UAS market.
