2.5-Ton Foldable Litter
Navy SBIR FY2014.2

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2014.2
Topic No.: N142-089
Topic Title: 2.5-Ton Foldable Litter
Proposal No.: N142-089-0253
Firm: Physical Sciences Inc.
20 New England Business Center
Andover, Massachusetts 01810-1077
Contact: Peter Warren
Phone: (978) 689-0003
Web Site: http://www.psicorp.com
Abstract: PSI and ABS are teaming together again to apply their lightweight deployable litter technology to the challenge of high-g loading of the transported Marine. The PSI and ABS Principal Investigators have already collaborated on the successful development of a collapsible/deployable litter that is half as heavy as the current state of the art and folds into half the volume. In addition to meeting the physical requirements, testing by untrained users has shown that the PSI/ABS approach is also robust to abuse and intuitively easy to operate. The core technologies that have enabled this field-proven performance will be applied to the very aggressive Marine Corps challenge. During the Phase I effort, the team will increase the load capacity of the current design by increasing the local material thicknesses of key elements. The load bearing performance will be confirmed through static testing. The Option effort will be used to fabricate additional litters for Marine user evaluation. During the Phase II, the team will refine the design, add usability features such as Patient Movement Items attachment features, and streamline the manufacturing process. By the end of the Phase II, the team will deliver 15 production litters for user evaluation and destructive testing.
Benefits: The PSI/ABS litter is light weight and stows into a compact volume. The development for the Marines will provide extreme strength and toughness as well as proving its capability in the extremely demanding Marine military environment. The resultant product will have broad applicability with civilian first responders as well as other branches of the military.
