Crew Role-player Enabled by Automated Technology Enhancements (CREATE)
Navy SBIR FY2014.2

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2014.2
Topic No.: N142-090
Topic Title: Crew Role-player Enabled by Automated Technology Enhancements (CREATE)
Proposal No.: N142-090-0564
Firm: ORION International Technologies, Inc.
2201 Buena Vista Dr. SE
Suite 309
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106
Contact: Paul Hamilton
Phone: (505) 998-4000
Web Site:
Abstract: The need for human trainers to role-play the participants with whom a trainee must interact limits the effectiveness of both simulators and part task training (PTT) devices for individuals and small groups. The objective of this research is to design and prove the feasibility of our architecture for speech-enabled, synthetic role-players for a generalized PTT device or simulator for P-8A Tactical Coordinator (TACCO) tasks. We will adapt and build on speech-enabled agents we have developed for an on-going Joint Theater Air Ground Simulation training system. Our approach uses ORION's revolutionary T-BORG simulation and integration framework, which allows disparate programs to intelligently use the data generated by one another with low computational overhead. In the Base portion we will develop standalone agents that play the roles of Sensor Operators to carry on doctrinally-correct conversations with a human playing the role of a TACCO. Scenarios, dialogs, language model and lexicon, and behaviors will cover a typical maritime patrol mission. In the Option portion we will add simple physical models of the aircraft and one or more targets and network them via high-level architecture (HLA). This will enable the agents to provide simulated sensor data on targets upon verbal request from the trainee.
Benefits: This project will use the innovative T-BORG framework to create voice-enabled synthetic agents to role-play positions during Tactical Coordinator (TACCO) training for the P-8A Poseidon aircraft. These agents will greatly reduce manpower requirements for training sessions on the P-8A Part Task Trainer (PTT) and allow training to be performed more frequently, realistically, and cost-effectively. The result will be improved combat effectiveness. The agents are HLA and DIS compatible and can be adapted to other military and civilian simulators and training devices. Potential commercial markets are large and include flight training, accommodation for handicapped individuals, improved mobile devices, and educational games.
