Portable, Hybrid Electrochemical Oxygen Generation and Compression System
Navy SBIR FY2014.2

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2014.2
Topic No.: N142-087
Topic Title: Portable, Hybrid Electrochemical Oxygen Generation and Compression System
Proposal No.: N142-087-0195
Firm: Lynntech, Inc.
2501 Earl Rudder Freeway South
College Station, Texas 77845-6023
Contact: Mahesh Waje
Phone: (979) 764-2200
Web Site: http://www.lynntech.com/
Abstract: Pure oxygen is required in many medical applications including ventilation, anesthesia and refilling oxygen bottles. Forward Resuscitative Surgical System (FRSS) requires medical grade oxygen on demand in expeditionary environments. Although compressed oxygen bottles can provide this medical grade oxygen, the logistics associated with the constant supply of filled bottles makes it un-sustainable as a primary source of oxygen in forward positions. Currently, the FRSS uses a Portable Oxygen Generation System (POGS) for the required oxygen supply, but the power consumption (>1800 W) and large footprint (644 lbs with a volumetric envelope of 34 cb. ft) issues prevented the widespread use of FRSS at the front positions due to power output limitations of the gensets used. Lynntech proposes a hybrid electrochemical approach that produces medical grade oxygen and compress it to 2200 psi oxygen bottles. The preliminary results and analysis demonstrated that the power consumption for the entire system can be lowered to 1200 W with a logistics footprint of 100 lbs in weight and 10 cb. ft. in volume in order to produce 10 slpm of 99+% oxygen and compress it to 2200 psi, which is ideal for FRSS.
Benefits: Lynntech's proposed hybrid electrochemical oxygen concentrator and compressor significantly reduces the overall power consumption and weight of Forward Resuscitative Surgical System and improves the widespread use of (FRSS) at the front positions in the battlefield. Only six FRSS units saved more than 140 lives during the initial stage of Operation Iraqi Freedom and with Lynntech's proposed advanced oxygen supply technology, utilization of more FRSS units is now feasible, which will save many more lives. In addition, the proposed oxygen concentrator and compressor technology has immediate use in following applications: medical paramedics, fire fighting, diving, disaster relief and space flight mission.
