Ternary Single Crystal Tonpilz Transducers with Reduced Side Lobes for Wide Angle Beam Steering
Navy SBIR FY2014.2

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2014.2
Topic No.: N142-111
Topic Title: Ternary Single Crystal Tonpilz Transducers with Reduced Side Lobes for Wide Angle Beam Steering
Proposal No.: N142-111-0280
Firm: TRS Ceramics, Inc.
2820 East College Avenue
State College, Pennsylvania 16801
Contact: Raffi Sahul
Phone: (814) 238-7485
Web Site: www.trstechnologies.com
Abstract: The goal of this Phase I program is to develop broadband single crystal sonar for the ATT. Single crystal piezoelectric is a high energy density, highly efficient piezoelectric material that is being used to develop acoustic and ultrasonic transducers with bandwidths much higher than has been possible with conventional ceramic materials. For sonar, broad bandwidth is especially important for operations in littoral waters where sensitivity to a wide frequency range is important for sorting out signals of interest in a noisy and acoustically cluttered environment. In fact, it has been shown for many sonar applications that single crystals can provide broadband response (bandwidth >100%) and increased acoustic power in a much smaller transducer size that requires less electrical power. This makes single crystal sonar ideal for compact space and power constrained platforms such as towed minehunters, UUV's USV's, countermeasures, ACOMMS buoys, and torpedoes. TRS and Penn State ARL will develop and qualify single crystal transducer arrays for the ATT. Broad bandwidth will enable the realization of expanded mission goals such as salvo operation TRS and ARL will then optimize the design of single crystal transducers for the torpedo, and conduct standard single element transducer tests to verify performance.
Benefits: In fact, it has been shown for many sonar applications that single crystals can provide broadband response (bandwidth >>100%) and increased acoustic power in a much smaller transducer size that requires less electrical power. This makes single crystal sonar ideal for compact space and power constrained platforms such as towed minehunters, UUV's USV's, countermeasures, ACOMMS buoys, and torpedoes. All of these must operate in littoral waters, and all have missions that can benefit from broadband sonar
