A Solid State Bipolar Battery for High Power Sonobuoy Applications
Navy SBIR FY2014.2

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2014.2
Topic No.: N142-110
Topic Title: A Solid State Bipolar Battery for High Power Sonobuoy Applications
Proposal No.: N142-110-0744
Firm: Bettergy Corp.
8 John Walsh Blvd., Suite 321
Peekskill, New York 10566-5330
Contact: Lin-Feng Li
Phone: (914) 290-6293
Web Site: www.bettergy.com
Abstract: U.S. Naval operations, like all U.S. Military operations, have come to depend more and more on high power electronics for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), communication, targeting, and other mission related activities, which has created a huge increase in demand for the energy sources - one that hasn't been met adequately. To ensure the long duration, high power operation, sonobuoy or UAV-sonobuoy requires high power and high energy density batteries. Current primary lithium batteries, such as Li/SO2 battery, cannot meet the pulse power demand. Moreover, the cost and safety are two other concerns of these batteries. Hence, there exists a strong market pull for developing a low cost, high power and energy primary battery to meet the challenge. In this proposal, low cost electrochemical couples are selected. In combination with 3D electrode structure, bipolar configuration and polymer electrolyte, a high power, low cost and long shelf life battery will be developed. The battery will also have intrinsic safety. Once developed, it can meet the stringent requirements of this solicitation.
Benefits: In addition to the immediate military application for high power sonobuoy, this innovative low cost high power solid state battery technology can be used as the power sources in commercial USVs and UUVs. These power sources could also be used in many other maritime industries including oceanographic survey vessels, offshore oil exploration and salvage ships, shipping industry, Coast Guard and the Border Patrol.
