High-Performance Deformable Mirror Technology Test and Evaluation Platform
Navy SBIR FY2014.2

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2014.2
Topic No.: N142-115
Topic Title: High-Performance Deformable Mirror Technology Test and Evaluation Platform
Proposal No.: N142-115-0389
Firm: G A Tyler Assoc. Inc. dba the Optical Sciences Co.
1341 South Sunkist Street
Anaheim, California 92806-5614
Contact: Glenn Tyler
Phone: (714) 772-7668
Web Site: www.tosc.com
Abstract: This work provides technology that significantly extends the requirements requested in the topic in that it provides a full AO system performance and testing methodology while still recognizing the importance of the DM in such a system. Advanced mathematical techniques and sophisticated DM experimental evaluation systems are developed with an eye as to how the measured DM characteristics impact the performance of an AO system. In this way the detailed mechanical response of the deformable mirror and the wavefront sensor optics are incorporated into the adaptive optics control methodology, its stability and system performance.
Benefits: The technology developed under this SBIR will provide increased performance capabilities for the next generation of laser weapons that operate under a wide variety of conditions including deep turbulence and those that are required to used optimal estimator techniques to ameliorate anisoplanatism. In addition surveillance applications as well as ground based astronomy will benefit. Laser communication and laser welding systems will also experience enhanced performance.
