Ruggedized Ultra-compact, High-Dynamic-Range, Dual-Output Wideband Electro-Optic LiNbO3 Modulator
Navy SBIR FY2014.2

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2014.2
Topic No.: N142-100
Topic Title: Ruggedized Ultra-compact, High-Dynamic-Range, Dual-Output Wideband Electro-Optic LiNbO3 Modulator
Proposal No.: N142-100-0007
6222 185th Ave. NE
Suite 100
Redmond, Washington 98052
Contact: Suwat Thaniyavarn
Phone: (425) 869-8673
Web Site:
Abstract: The proposed effort is to develop and package a new ultra-compact, wideband, dual-output electro-optic LiNbO3 modulator for RF/photonic link applications on air platforms. The modulator will be capable of extremely high optical power handling (>500mW), and have dual outputs for use with balanced photo receiver which would enable a higher link gain, a lower noise figure and a higher spur free dynamic range. The modulator will be capable of 40GHz bandwidth, and compatible with future extended operation to 100GHz for new emerging systems. The modulator will be in a ruggedized package with less than 5 mm in height, a volume of <2.5 cubic centimeters, and is capable of uncooled operation over -40 to +100 degrees Celsius and maintain hermeticity and optical alignment upon exposure to typical Navy air platform vibration, humidity, thermal & mechanical shock, and temperature cycling environments.
Benefits: The replacement of the coaxial cable used in various onboard RF/analog applications with RF/analog fiber optic links requires ruggedized, high dynamic range, dual-output wideband electro-optic modulators. The development of high performance modulators with very small size, weight and power (SWaP) will enable practical implementation of RF analog fiber-optic links to replace coaxial cabling on airborne platform to increased immunity to electromagnetic interference, reduction in size and weight, and an increase in bandwidth of operation.
