Novel nanostructure anode and cathode for advanced high energy and power thermal batteries
Navy SBIR FY2014.2

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2014.2
Topic No.: N142-092
Topic Title: Novel nanostructure anode and cathode for advanced high energy and power thermal batteries
Proposal No.: N142-092-0705
Firm: Binergy Scientific
196 Sterling Dr
Bountiful, Utah 84010
Contact: Vojtech Svoboda
Phone: (256) 714-8951
Web Site:
Abstract: Thermal batteries are single discharge reserve batteries that provide very long shelf life, minimal self-discharge, wide storage temperature range, fast activation under sudden power demand, and also wide range of temperature operating conditions. Such unique properties among electrochemical power systems are provided with application of molten salt electrolyte, which is in solid form under normal storage conditions. Upon activation, thermal batteries are heated with an internal pyrotechnic above melting temperature of the molten salt electrolyte. This allows for fast ion mobility and charge transfer reaction. Due to their unique properties, thermal batteries are primarily used in DoD applications, specifically in munitions and weapon systems. The applications and new development call for higher capacity and higher power performance thermal batteries with smaller mass and volume. We are proposing development of novel anode and cathode materials that will significantly improve the performance of current thermal batteries. The needs and applications define the significance of the existing market, and indicate on potential new markets. Along with our development in Phase I and Phase II, we will aim for 1.9 Ah, 28/56 Vdc prototypes and field tries and market our technology to DoD agencies.
Benefits: Thermal batteries are single discharge reserve batteries that provide very long shelf life, minimal self-discharge, wide storage temperature range, fast activation under sudden power demand, and also wide range of temperature operating conditions. Such unique properties among electrochemical power systems are provided with application of molten salt electrolyte, which is in solid form under normal storage conditions. Upon activation, thermal batteries are heated with an internal pyrotechnic above melting temperature of the molten salt electrolyte. This allows for fast ion mobility and charge transfer reaction. Due to their unique properties, thermal batteries are primarily used in DoD applications, specifically in munitions and weapon systems. The applications and new development call for higher capacity and higher power performance thermal batteries with smaller mass and volume. We are proposing development of novel anode and cathode materials that will significantly improve the performance of current thermal batteries. The needs and applications define the significance of the existing market, and indicate on potential new markets. Along with our development in Phase I and Phase II, we will aim for 1.9 Ah, 28/56 Vdc prototypes and field tries and market our technology to DoD agencies.
