High Fidelity Prediction of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
Navy SBIR FY2014.2

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2014.2
Topic No.: N142-120
Topic Title: High Fidelity Prediction of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
Proposal No.: N142-120-0472
Firm: Shared Spectrum Company
1593 Spring Hill Road
Suite 700
Vienna, Virginia 22182-2249
Contact: Scott Seidel
Phone: (703) 462-6949
Web Site: www.sharedspectrum.com
Abstract: n this SBIR project, Shared Spectrum Company (SSC) defines and develops a concept by which high fidelity knowledge of the shipboard electromagnetic wave propagation environment can be predicted. This system is used to measure signals of opportunity such as broadcast TV/radio, aircraft transponders, maritime radars, GPS and other signals that have known transmitter locations (via databases, information in the signal, or ancillary data links) that can be used to probe the propagation environment for detecting the properties of ducting conditions. For example, maritime radars operate at S Band (2.9-3.1 GHz) and X Band (9.0-9.7 GHz) and the ships are required to broadcast their position using the AIS system.
Benefits: Predicting propagation losses accurately is critically important to many military applications. This prediction capability needs to be location specific and near-real time. Examples include: (1) Radar systems can have extended detection ranges and infer clutter depending on the propagation losses. This impacts mission CONOPS. (2) SIGINT systems predicting infer enemy locations and mission planners estimate where enemies are able to detection US forces based on propagation predictions. (3) Communications systems need to maximize link range, and can exploit unusual ducting phenomena by increasing capacity or avoiding deploying relay platforms. (4) DoD and commercial groups are beginning to share spectrum in the 3.5 GHz and 1750 MHz bands. Accurate propagation prediction is critical to determining the required geographic separation distances of these systems to achieve a specified interference level.
