Wide-Angle Acoustic Beam Steering with Arrays of PiezoCrystal Tonpilz Transducers
Navy SBIR FY2014.2

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2014.2
Topic No.: N142-111
Topic Title: Wide-Angle Acoustic Beam Steering with Arrays of PiezoCrystal Tonpilz Transducers
Proposal No.: N142-111-0310
Firm: Progeny Systems Corporation
9500 Innovation Drive
Manassas, Virginia 20110
Contact: Dave Baird
Phone: (801) 359-4566
Web Site: www.progeny.net
Abstract: The Tonpilz design for SONAR transducers is widely used in large arrays in acoustic systems for undersea threat detection, weapons guidance, communication and the like. Exploiting single crystal piezoelectrics in Tonpilz transducers has led to single transducer elements with enhanced bandwidth, sensitivity, and source level in a smaller, lighter package when compared with legacy piezoceramic elements. This topic addresses the next step, namely, building these single elements into large arrays with good array directivity and low sidelobes when steered over large angles, both in transmission and reception. Critical issues to be addressed include: element uniformity in large scale production, an array mounting structure that prevents element-to-element crosstalk, and minimizing coupling of elements mediated through the medium itself (seawater).
Benefits: In parallel to most Navy SONAR systems there are analogues in civilian commercial SONAR where undersea acoustic arrays are used for sea floor exploration, navigation, communication, and the like. Indeed, the commercial opportunities may initially be more fast-moving and lucrative than the present Fleet insertion opportunities.
