Ultra-strong and Ultrahigh Conductive Metal/CNT Composites by Electrochemical Co-Deposition and Processing
Navy STTR FY2014.A

Sol No.: Navy STTR FY2014.A
Topic No.: N14A-T017
Topic Title: Ultra-strong and Ultrahigh Conductive Metal/CNT Composites by Electrochemical Co-Deposition and Processing
Proposal No.: N14A-017-0233
Firm: Ultraconduct LLC
4548 Seafarer Way
Orlando, Florida 32817
Contact: Jianren Sun
Phone: (407) 401-1444
Abstract: The goal of this project is to develop processing capabilities for high-strength and ultra-conductive wires to improve power-to-weight ratios and energy efficiency of electrical military systems. The first objective of this Phase I project is to build up quantitative microstructure-property models to guide the development of electrical and thermal conductive carbon nanotubes (CNTs) modified copper and aluminum. The second objective is to develop individual fabrication steps able to obtain the desired microstructures of CNTs modified copper and aluminum. The third objective is to demonstrate the feasibilities of integrating the individual fabrication steps into a whole multi-step wire processing operations that can be scaled up for the overall fabrication processing sequences of carbon nanotube modified copper and aluminum wires with ultrahigh conductivities.
Benefits: The success of this project will significantly increase the electric and thermal conductivities of conductors and reduce the power to weight ratio thus reduce the energy consumption of electrical systems, meanwhile increase the reliability and security of electrical systems.
