LCS Radar Modeling for Training (LRMT)
Navy STTR FY2014.A

Sol No.: Navy STTR FY2014.A
Topic No.: N14A-T012
Topic Title: LCS Radar Modeling for Training (LRMT)
Proposal No.: N14A-012-0262
Firm: Intelligent Automation, Inc.
15400 Calhoun Drive
Suite 400
Rockville, Maryland 20855-2737
Contact: Satya Ponnaluri
Phone: (301) 294-4248
Web Site:
Abstract: We propose the design and development of LCS radar modeling for training - a radar modeling engine that capture the effects of environment, weather, jamming/interference and operator actions on radar display. The purpose of this engine is to reduce or eliminate the need for live training by faithfully capturing the scenarios encountered by a radar operator. The primary target radars for the proposed effort are LCS radars, including TRS-3D and SEA GIRAFFE.
Benefits: The primary benefit of the proposed technology is decreased live training time to prepare operators for radar control. The benefits of the proposed technology extend beyond combat system radar training into navigational radar training and radar training for coast guard operations.
