Anesthesia Ventilator for Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins and California Sea Lions
Navy STTR FY2014.A

Sol No.: Navy STTR FY2014.A
Topic No.: N14A-T015
Topic Title: Anesthesia Ventilator for Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins and California Sea Lions
Proposal No.: N14A-015-0167
Firm: Innovative Veterinary Medicine, Inc.
PO Box 141140
Gainesville, Florida 32614-1140
Contact: James Bailey
Phone: (352) 226-1111
Abstract: Innovative Veterinary Medicine, Inc. will conceptualize and design an anesthesia ventilator named DolVentT specifically designed to meet the unique physiologic requirements of Atlantic bottlenose dolphins and California sea lions. The significance of the DolVentT ventilator will be its ability to properly support normal respiratory function in anesthetized animals using ventilation modes that mimic the natural breathing patterns of these animals and best manage their respiratory mechanics. To best meet these goals, DolVentT will minimally include Airway Pressure Release Ventilation (APRV) and Apneustic Anesthesia Ventilation (AAV) modes. The ventilator will be designed with commercially available components and be compatible and operable with commercially available human and large animal veterinary gas anesthesia systems. The species-specific features of the DolVentT ventilator will meet a modern set of biomedical criteria to maximize safety, durability and efficacy. In addition, DolVentT will be fully deployable and meet compatibility/conditional standards for use in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) facilities. A removable electronic, enhanced user interface (EUI) will be designed to improve and simplify user application of DolVent's capabilities. A Board Certified Veterinary Anesthesiologist recognized as a global authority on anesthesia of both California sea lions and Atlantic bottlenose dolphins and will oversee concept, design, and prototype development.
Benefits: 1. Potentially beneficial in larger subjects, both human and animal. a. Maintenance of the health of the Navy's marine mammals via improved respiratory care during medically necessary anesthetic procedures. b. Development of an anesthesia ventilator capable of providing physiologically appropriate ventilatory support for both marine mammals and domestic large animals. c. Development of a deployable anesthesia ventilator compatible with currently available anesthesia delivery machines and medical MRI environments. d. Development of an anesthesia ventilator with potential benefit in large human patients (bariatric and professional athlete)
